Sunday, March 20, 2016

Memorial Death March...

War was fought so long ago
and along the courses of this war
soldiers were sent on
what accurate language
called death marches
as the two sole things
such soldiers did
was march
and die

and now
there are events held
to memorialize such things
where people flock
to witness and participate
in replicated pacing
along designated courses

they march
without death presiding
in a perpetual pursuit
as they attempt to honor
the suffering
of the marching dead

For somehow such suffering
has become synonymous
with the enamored elements
of what the word freedom
is espoused to represent

and now
I wonder
how it is these foreign scars
can remind a heart so well
of what it is to have flesh
I wonder
how wounds of ghosts
can sooth unblemished skin
I wonder
what world such beings
would have to walk upon
if such memorial marchings
were tossed instead of tread

the flesh forsakes
and the mind forgets
of the un-felt and unknown
truths of time's own tribulations
though all these things keep marching
in search of remembrance, or truth, or honor, or...
Or maybe this is all there is to do
or all there ever was to do

And now
as it all continues marching
and it goes on as if undying
in the memorial sense of vying
there's a sense of tears left sighing

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