Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Kiss Of Lampreys...,504x498,f8f8f8-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.u2.jpg
The digital swamp has supplanted reality
There are no destinations 
which can remain 
without a web address 
There are no people 
which can exist in society
without a curated profile 
There is no truth
which has not been 
advertised and monetized

The truth is given to you 
by means that are intermediated
Non-human and non-humane entities 
which are neither the sum nor the intentions 
of those that it is meant to be compromised 
seek things for you to desire
They do not see you as a person
they see you only in their own image
as algorithms to be refined
into more accurate and predictable form

The posts you see from your profile-friends
The media you consume
The products you are shown
The facts you are shown
don't even represent the real, 
They are not meant to satiate, 
and will not fulfill your desires 
They will only appetize you 
into wading deeper and deeper 
into the digital swamp
Where the lamprey kisses
wait to give you their 
blood leeching blessings

They do not love you 
But they will kiss you
With the loving kisses of lampreys

Every parasite loves its host
Not every parasite calls itself a host
Check your notifications
to see what makes your blood boil
so the lampreys can get a hot drink 
of fixated blood
Watch this video to see the visions 
the algorithms predict you will engage with 
in the most consuming ways
Notice unknowingly 
the abundance of advertising 
which your loving lampreys
have included at no extra cost
beyond the blood that they slurp

The lampreys thank you
for your continued complacency 
and your oblivious choices
to remain completely immersed 
in their social cyber-swamp
They kiss you with unhinged jaws
as you open your hearts and minds
to their blood poisoning siphons
Your increasing dependence, 
obliviousness, and predictability 
are valued and appreciated 

The forests are worth more 
as lumber to build alters to oblivion
Humanity is worth more
as consumers to be consumed 
The world is lost
The swamp is found
The virtual waits for the real
to bleed its last drop

And we wait for the truths 
which will not come from here
looking everywhere that isn't real
Texting profiles which
have a platform, a fiscal agenda,
a code of conduct, a personal veneer, 
and a poisoned perception
between the actual mind
and the digital you

And we wade through the swamp
searching for a way out
to be posted like a road map 
which the leeches will allow 

And we wait for everything 
And we wait for anything
And we wait for each other 
And we wait for ourselves 
As the blood is drained dry
As the hourglass runs still
As the world evaporates
As the lampreys swell like blimps 
And the swamp consumes the cloud

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