Wednesday, October 18, 2023

0.0 Precursor (Caustic Excerpt)

Something in this world has gone so terribly wrong. If I’d only known what it was, I wouldn't have ever come to find myself having been debased into writing these words. From my perspective, most people are all-too eager to disgrace themselves by resorting to mere words. They turn so quickly to the empty and effortless endeavors of words because they assume that this will easily assuage their reluctant and short-sighted souls of any remorse or responsibility and avail themselves of having to invest any actual effort in the truer, more meaningful, and impactful merits of a more diligent and demanding form of action. I for one would much rather silence my sharp and keen tongue and focus my most gifted mind on taking wise and venerable actions, rather than just wafting words into the unhearing ears of oblivion. Now it’s important to know that for me- these words are just a desperate and perhaps final attempt to come to terms with whatever it truly was about this wicked world that has gone so terribly wrong for me. Gawd, how I fear this will prove to be as futile as any other fool’s foul-mouthed defiance of fate!

That having been said, these words should not be misconstrued as anything other than an insightful investigation of the insidious and almost invisible aspects of existence which plague so many of us in ways that only the most intelligent and virtuous minds can ever hope to bring into focus by devoutly directing their savant-like acuity with a monastic degree of diligence.

However unlikely it is that anyone aside from myself should ever come to have read these words, let it be known that I did not write even the most minuscule portion of them with so much as even the vaguest intention of serving any less venerable of an ideal than to bring such immortal and invisible truths into the most unmistakable clarity of focus.

Remember, these words must never, under any circumstances, be construed as some confused confession, or abhorrent attempt at an artistic expression, nor any other mangled machinations some sordid soul might somehow deceive itself into mysteriously having believed.

Of course, all these words will have been mine alone, and they will have filtered through my own unique mind, focusing on what I consider to be the most relevant and definitive truths which were experienced directly in the course of my storied lifetime, but let us pray to whatever divinity might be capable of granting us wisdom, whether such an entity or force exists or not, that these words will not be confined in sole service of my sanity like the stink of a corpse is condemned to itself in the empty catacombs of oblivion.

Unfortunately, before I can begin this rigorous recitation of those most monumentally defining events surrounding my troubled and tortuous life, I must insist upon asking for a mere moment to indulge my modest ego by expressing and explaining why I’ve come to consider writing to be so demeaning and why I’ve so self-deprecatingly decided to debase myself by engaging in this doleful enterprise.

Gawd knows, I’ve only decided to use writing as a means of having explored all the intricacies of my quandary because of the fact that writing has long been dead.

As much of my existence had been so heavily involved in death, writing somehow seems to be a strangely suitable scheme to engage in this existential-exhumation of truth. Should I have failed to understand the role of death in the course of my own existence, writing could only ever become as useless to my efforts as the words above every grave have always been to the corpses corroding-away beneath them. However incomplete my understanding of the totality of life may prove to be, in the end, I believe my insights on the nature of death and destruction should be considered as venerably as any passage or tome of scriptures.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

"Vitruvia 144" Excerpt (Endnote#100)...

100. The 3 Wise Monkeys have origins in Japanese Kōshin traditions where 3 Sanshi (corpse-worms) acted essentially as spies hidden in the shadows of one’s soul. These Sanshi would sneak out of their respective soul’s shadows every month while they slumbered to tattle to the top god Ten Tei, telling of all the secrets hidden in the shadows of one’s soul in which these worms sequestered themselves. To prevent these worms from tattling, Kōshin people would try to stay awake on the nights their Sanshi were expected to sneak-out. They’d also cast spells to blind, deafen, and silence the Sanshi, hoping to prevent them from provoking punishments from Ten Tei. The 3 spells cast on the Sanshi were known as Mizaru, Kikazaru, and Iwazaru, which respectively translate to see not, hear not, and speak not. Because of the strong similarity of zaru meaning to not and saru meaning monkey- it became popular to depict this pun in the symbolism of what is now known as the 3 Wise Monkeys. However, there may be earlier origins to this symbolism found in a preceding phrase of Confucianism which in abbreviated form encourages people not to look, listen, speak or act in accordance with impropriety. There are also a few other versions of these wise monkeys which feature a fourth monkey. In one, the monkey covers its crotch to symbolize a repression of sexual actions. In another, the fourth monkey alternatively holds its hands over its nose as an aversion to smelling evil. The philosophical implications of this iconography are also echoed in the optimistically oriented Zoroastrian mantra of good thoughts, good words, good deeds, which encourages one to develop a disciplined devotion to an awareness attuned toward that which leads to virtue while averting one’s attention from that which leads one astray. Several other prominent philosophical interpretations have evolved alongside these others, including a colloquial western conception of ignoring things which one might prefer not to have witnessed in a more pragmatic mind your own business proposition, as well as a version in which a series of monkeys shade their eyes to aid sight, cup their ears to assist hearing, and form a hand-funnel around their mouths to vocally project more voluminously. Osho Rajneesh also riffed on alternate ideas to ascribe to this 4-monkey manifestation, expressing an ostensibly pessimistic view of wisdom wherein: the sight of truth can cause ideals of perfection to evaporate into emptiness, the sound of truth can echo in one’s own ears and evict the consoling lies which are so often one’s sole comforting companion, speaking truth can cause a crowd of unconscious men to commit to your condemnation, and even openly displaying one’s own blissful inner truth can cause it to dissolve as it falls flat against the un-gleaming gazes of others. Of course, there’s also the incredible irony in the use of these 3 Wise Monkeys on a series of signs surrounding the area of Los Alamos during the days of the atomic bomb’s development which read, What You See Here, What You Do Here, What You Hear Here, When You Leave Here, Let It Stay Here (à la, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas). The sick irony stems from how Los Alamos originated atom bomb would eventually be dropped on the very nation (Japan) which gave rise to this iconic imagery. Although, when emojis originated in Japan some years later, the 3 monkeys reemerged yet again to symbolize 🙈 embarrassment, 🙉 astonishment, and 🙊 regret. In my lost life, I’d once created my own incarnation of these monkeys, intending to satirize the social norms of wireheads by consolidating them into a singular pseudo-sapien with headphones, VR goggles, a ball gag, and a *squid-kit surrounding its skull. (*squid-kits were a web of wires which externally sensed brainwaves and were antiquated by Neuroconnx chips). This emblem of mine was also reimagined by others, namely- an unnamed visual designer at Mythreum who’d seen my sketch and decided to steal it for submission directly to the board of directors as an alternative corporate logo. It was approved for use in Asian markets and quickly became popular among wireheads as an emblem of their enthusiastic overindulgence in gaming. It was often accompanied with the Mandarin marketing moniker which roughly translates into, If it’s not in the game, it doesn’t exist. (No bombs were deployed on this unnamed designer).

Friday, June 16, 2023

Oh Silence, Do Be Silent...

Oh Silence, Do Be Silent
without vociferous, chatter-birds
or those hollow, droning voices
and their mindless, mocking words

Oh Silence, Do be Silent
Do not rumble like a storm
stirring turbulent thoughts inside me
which all rage against the norm

Oh Silence, don't be Violent
as the calm before a strike
holding back your tongue to spite me
till your fangs can take their bite

Oh Silence, do be silent
like a breeze upon my breath
which need not ask or answer
any words of life or death

oh silence, dearest silence
which is wordless in my dreams
and without speaking, still resounding
of much more than what it seems

Friday, May 5, 2023

Summer Set The World On Fire...

I need more than summer
to thaw my shivering soul
I need to end more than winter
to close this devouring hole
I need the hope of an immortal spring
to make my muted spirit sing
I need a postponement of the fall
to believe in life 
to believe at all

The sun is spinning
as our world keeps turning
Our lives are ending
while we keep yearning
Round and round we go
Feigning and failing
as if we'll ever know
What comes next
or what's the point
beyond another 
cyclical segno

Summer sunlight
shine on my shadow-soul
Mystic moonlight
make the night feel full
Burn away the darkness
Bring fire to the dawn
Let fireflies flash and fade
As our own lives are so betrayed
But burn away the darkness now
and bring fire to the dawn
however long that we may live
inside this summer's song

Go ahead and bring the heat
that makes sweat soak 
from brow to feet
Scorch my skin till it peels red
Melt a hole right through my head
My blood may boil as I bleed
but from the cold, my soul be freed
I'd sooner be consumed by flame
than frozen in some final frame

The Phoenix rises from the ashes
as the frozen fall in avalanches
Wake this world from frozen sleep
There is no time we'll ever keep
The life we live will melt away
we cannot shade it from that day

Summer set my soul ablaze
Let me burn until I fade
I need no winter to preserve me
No ever-after to detour me
I need only shine while I am here
and fade away without a fear
that my time wasn't bright enough
or anything more could be enough

Cicada's scream, and shriek, and sing
declaring the ancient truths of everything
They emerge from where we fail to know
but may imagine all our fates will flow
when the summer song is silenced cold
and winter whispers things so old
that only the darkness may remember
from its abysmal first December

Summer wake this frozen place
from frigid slumber and disgrace
Bring the light, and let it shine
Illuminate these eyes of mine
So they may see a world awaken
Not blizzard-dreams of things forsaken
Summer song, sound your alarm
to thaw us from all frozen harm
Summer set the world on fire
Burn brighter than our dark desire
Until the winter's funeral pyre
summer set the world on fire

Monday, April 10, 2023

Vitruvia 144 (Chapter 1)...

(*Subscript #s= Endnotes)

       Reality is not enough. Every breath proclaims this principle in the immortal and inaudible language of life against the abyss. If reality had ever truly been enough, I wouldn’t have come to write these words, dream these dreams, or aspire after anything more transcendent than the petty proffering of a lifetime limited to the world as it arbitrarily appears. Maybe there’s just something wrong with me, but I can’t help but wonder if anything could have even come into existence at all had there ever truly been- enough. 

As I ponder the insufficient intricacies of reality, my buoyant body is adrift upon the surreal surface of my sensory deprivation chamber. Grandiose delusions of a more revelatory realm beyond this embryonic dream-womb swim through my misty mind as my consciousness is cast away from all but pure dreaming thought. I imagine ascending above the submerged surfaces of reality and peering through my perception’s periscope to look upon some coruscating kalopsia in a way which the formless depths of my murky mind may finally fathom. Nascent notions of transcending these derisory depths of reality gradually emerge from my sunken subconscious. Eunoia even begins to bubble up from within me, but reality’s relentless anchor rudely tugs me back down into its inescapable abyss, and I find myself cast un-dreamingly onto the shipwreck-shores of monachopsis.1

Every time I emerge from my daily dream-time drift to face the anemic aesthetics of this all-enveloping and artificial light laden realm, I feel bleached and blinded. Visions of truly illuminating images always seem to evaporate into unseen shadows as I’m forced to focus on the dim demands of a life I often witness through mere reflections, like those of the many faux-faces which now mock me from the million mirror-shined surfaces surrounding me as I change clothes, check my trusty wristwatch, and ambulate along the return route to my office here at Mythreum. Each step I take toward the realms of rational and responsible thinking seems to take me further away from realizing any of my more daring and delightful dreams which make my ever-waning awakened hours at all worthwhile. Reality, if there really even is such a thing, is truly not enough.

 Year, after year, after year I’ve worked away at this auspicious multimedia megacorporation which I’d created and confined myself to in hopes of somehow transcending life’s trillion tepid torments or at least adding something of even a small significance to this anemic earthly oblivion. This megacorporation was initially intended to act as a progenerative portal through which all humanity’s dreams could be awakened into existence. Heaving an ever-growing horde of premium VR/AR platforms and commercial content was never meant to become the primary purpose of this place. I’ve only accepted these financial facets so long as they’ve aligned with my efforts to erase even those deepest demarcations between dream and reality which divide us from experiencing more ecstatic and transcendent truths. Now however, it seems such dreams have been drained and diluted, as what passes for truth is perpetually made more pedestrian and prosaic. Ghastly as seems, I remain devoted to deliver as much light into this dark realm as possible while still tirelessly trying to reimagine everything within an all-encompassing cosmic dream.2

 As I arrive at the entrance of my office, I hear the unfluctuating footsteps of my primary business partner trailing me. Mythreum CFO Chad Kied blocks my blindly slung door as his feet invade my floorspace and his voice bombards me with a whole host of fiscal fodder. None of his rhetoric really registers with me, as this mind-numbing numerical nonsense fails to appear as if it will infringe on any of my personal and more purposeful projects. I’m sure Chad is painfully aware of the futility in his fiscal facts by now, yet he still insists on yattering-on over accruals, amortizations, annuities, ROA’s, ROE’s, ROIC’s, and other abhorrently abbreviated abominations. But somehow, prattling about funds and finance seems to give him a sense of self-satisfying succor, as if making these declarations is the same as feeding his therapy dog or something.3

 Following Chad’s monetary monologue, he asks if I’ve seen the nascent news, despite the fact that I’ve never failed to negate this question. I typically respond by refuting how what’s presented as news hardly qualifies as anything more than the scant speculations and oratory opinions of a corporate conscripted clergy of the commons. I often further object to sacrificing any sentience to the disjointed drivel puppeteered by pathetic and pedantic provocateurs and prevaricators who incessantly and inanely argue and aggrandize over every iota of unfounded info. I even tend to overelaborate as to how the mong-minded media never actually establishes anything empirically without immediately arguing over actual authenticity. Inevitably, two fractious factions emerge and entrench themselves in editorial objections, oppositional assumptions, and other asinine assertions. The bifurcated blabber they fling at each other like feces from angry apes always appears as if it’s been poorly filtered through respective Rube-Goldberg mechanisms of bias and belief before emerging as the same redundant rhetoric-effluent, forever devoid of any insight or illumination.

In my mind, this media malformation is merely part of a much larger and sinister societal syndrome I call the end of reality. As I see it, everything truly real within our waning world has either already ceased to exist as irrefutably real or is slowly seceding into an even more diluted domain within our defiled reality. This process almost appears as an anti-evolutionary imperative or shadow-sphere of our development in which the insufficient aspects of our existence are evicted, mutilated, diluted, or synthetically augmented in attempts to alter an unacceptable reality which is never enough.

 I suspect the underlying cause of this problem is that people just don’t’ say what they really mean, don’t live the way they really want to live, and abide by a festering fear that they can’t be who they really are or aspire to ascend to become. People spend their whole lives settling for whatever is imposed, implored, or induced on them. They’ll eat whatever non-nourishing, artificially flavored, sugar added, extract enhanced, and excrement-infused faux-food packaged product that’s mass-marketed to them no matter how much more likely it is to cause continuous cravings and cancer than to actually satiate their stomachs. They eat it all up over and over again, along with every ounce of ideological indoctrination, despite the fact that the dreams and delusions promised in reality’s place never measure-up, and because even if anything ever did perfect its promise, we’d still insist on something better, different, or more.

 Despite these long established and fairly pedantic presuppositions of mine, Chad still insists on summarizing the most recent reports about a series of suspected terrorist attacks. I filter all his secondhand descriptions of third-party accounts through my own cognitive dissonance distillery which avails me of absorbing any of his dull accounts in attentive depth or detail. The only effluent of insight which seeps through my sentience is that another terrorist attempt to destroy our way of life has just been nebulously and narrowly subverted.

 After Chad’s discursive dissertation, he posits a question which puts the impetus on me to actually engage him in a cringe causing conversation over this mindless media malarkey.

 “What do you think Harek? What do these terrorists really want?”

 All of Chad Kied’s mannerisms fit the socially normative, dispassionate, and water-cooler appropriate norms. He appears as less of an actual individuated person and more like some standard-issued version of a subset of personas. His specific subset fits most neatly into the category of office administrators.

 Male office admins typically have perpetually bald-shaven faces and their hair is always kept short in length without expressiveness or style. They primarily wear wool suits in either navy or charcoal, button down cotton shirts in either white or light blue, and silk ties in simple patterns or plain colors. Their appearance is essentially what the infamous German Führer would expect from good Aryan men.

 Administrative types rarely approximate the Aryan standards of a Vitruvian-balanced physique though, and Chad is no exception to this paradigm. His body-mass index or BMI would fall outside of an acceptable Aryan range. Chad’s build is almost completely devoid of musculature and his waistline makes the bottom of his tightly tucked-in shirt appear, overrun.

 My response to Chad’s question is about what would be expected of his therapy dog while watching him attempt a new card-trick he’s yet to master. Chad tries paraphrasing his question as if this will help me appreciate its magic.

 “Come on Harek. What do you think these terrorists are after?”

 “By definition, terrorists want some form of destruction. Nope?”

 Chad rubs his forehead and tugs on his earlobe which is a rather common self-soothing technique. Then he speaks with carefully stressed articulation to indicate that he really wants to talk about this.

 “No, I mean- why do you think they’re trying to destroy everything?”

 I desalinize some of the saltiness from my inflections and mannerisms in order to demonstrate a lingering and diligent desire to accommodate Chad in this arbitrary social interaction.

 “You’d have to ask these supposed terrorists to really know what they think. If I’m expected to hazard a blind guess though, I’d say they’re probably dissatisfied with what is and unable to create anything better.”

 Chad does the standard office administrator thing where he tries to turn my statement into an opportunity for him to interpolate a little light verbal ribbing. His smile is feigned in the standard admin manner, which is both forced and authentic, as though the normal social expectation for smiling is the only real reason to dawn such an expression in the first place.

 “So does that mean the only thing separating you from being a terrorist is your creativity?”

 I give Chad a slight validating grin, which is all he really wants in terms of a response from me. Then I scheme towards my own designs, deliberately enunciating my answer with a carefully choreographed and calculated cadence.

 “Who says anything separates me-”

 I shift into an abrupt strategic pause and clear my throat to prevent any interruption. Chad predictably uses this brief pause to take a sip of his coffee which I can easily assume is of a certain brand which he insists is the greatest of all time and annoyingly abbreviates under the acronym GOAT. What’s more annoying, is how Chad’s always bringing up the subject of coffee so he can try to preach the almighty gospel of this bean-brand’s holy omnipotence over the entirety of all caffeinated existence. Anyway, I time the rest of my response perfectly.


My unexpected inflammatory remark makes Chad’s mid-sip of gospel-grand coffee burst out of his mouth in one of those magnificent and non-hygienic spasms of exploding mist. This prompts him to set his coffee mug on my desk and reach for a tissue to dab at his dainty mouth as he leans over to ensure he doesn’t dribble any GOAT-brand coffee droplets on his bland business attire. He also instinctively holds up his other hand as a defensive evolutionary vestige which had previously been useful in warding off minor pests or predators during the stone age or something.

 While he dabs at his mouth and composes himself, I wonder how such dainty mannerisms could have become so seamlessly interpolated into the more primitive impulses of such a creature as this human-devolved admin. I also quietly ponder how I hadn’t noticed the printing on his coffee cup before now, and I find amusement in the way it reads Best AD Ever from my vantage point which is ever so slightly obscured by the box of tissues resting next to it on my desk. It’s all rather Dada or Surreal, although, I’m admittedly not academically artistic enough to know which term is more applicable to this scene.

 As Chad readily recovers himself, he asks another pointless, semi-rhetorical question.

 “Do you want to destroy this world?”

 I shrug my shoulders in nonchalance and shake my head in a slow horizontal motion, not as if to indicate the gesture synonymous with nope, but to feign a scan of our surroundings. Then I point my face back at Chad and in a tone urging thoughtful consideration of implicit allusions and assumptions, I ask.

“What do you think it is that we’re doing here, Chad?”

 He makes one of those odd involuntary scoffing noises, not unlike the sounds of a boxer exhaling brusque bursts of air while shadow boxing or something. His reflexive breathing indicates that he’s been both annoyed and caught off-guard by my question. He jabs back at me with his reply in the way a child might try to imitate the role of an absent parent.

 “Well Harek, according to our mission-statement, we’re creating new and remarkable worlds while transforming this one in new and wondrous ways.”

I offer a slight smirk and counter Chad’s authoritarian impressionism.

 “Nope. That’s all just a means of exonerating us while we destroy everything real in this world. After all, how could we create a new world without destroying this one?”

 Chad laughs at me, thinking I’m being sarcastic. I don’t actually know if I am or not. Destroying the world does admittedly have a certain appeal to it. Not in a spiteful sort of retributive, vengeful, or wrathful kind of way, but in the sense that it could perhaps be a useful means of coaxing a glimpse of whatever might be beyond the bounds of this reality. It could also provide the means of approaching a certain existential problem that’s been nagging away at me for some earthly eternity now.

This problem I refer to is humanity’s obliviousness to the ultimate truth and scope of our own reality. As I see it, we won’t know if reality is even truly real until we can perceive it from outside of itself. Until we can do this, we’re essentially trapped in the closed loop of our own minds, spinning dizzily around a world too vast to set straight enough to aptly graph or measure. We’re all just inhabitants of a forever foreign land, obliged to content ourselves with an eternally elusive horizon, forever stranded, and perpetually lost.

I’m quite certain that Chad is both undesiring and incapable of discussing any of these notions. Despite our differing desires, I feel obligated to keep the conversation alive and hazard a guess as to what might be interesting and affable enough for Chad to consider discussion worthy. A brief moment of forced pseudo-empathic consideration hangs in the dead air like an empty noose gently swaying in a cool and subtle breeze over dusty desert gallows before I finally get around to asking.

“What do you think would happen if these terrorists actually did somehow manage to destroy everything?”

 Chad’s tone is assumptive and parental again, but with an air of irritation reminiscent of those moments when a parent has run out of patience in trying to answer perpetual iterations of why from an overly inquisitive child.

 “What do you mean, what would happen!? Everyone would be dead, we’d be dead, and more importantly- our stock wouldn’t be worth anything. So don’t you go locking yourself in that ten-e-bri-fic sleep-tank thing of yours so you can obsessively try to figure out how to destroy the only world we can actually profit off of, much less inhabit.”

 It's abundantly clear that Chad considers me to be an irrational creature. My ideations, logic, and lines of questions are deviant, deluded, and unprofitably inhuman to him. His assessment of me is, in all honesty, quite accurate. Almost no one would dare to disagree with him. I decide to continue this conversation in a more congenial and topical manner than defend myself.

 “Wow, tenebrific. You actually used one of those semantic relics which you’re always mocking me in my affinity for using.”

 Chad appears way too eager to receive this minor compliment. I almost can’t continue in my casual and congenial tone without being condescending.

 “You can rest assured Mr. Kied. I solemnly swear that if I ever manage to destroy reality, accidentally or otherwise, you won’t have to answer to any shareholders.”

 This minor jest seems to successfully shift the mood into brighter harmonic territory. Chad’s voice rings-out in a fragile falsetto like a poorly tuned instrument which is unable to express the unwavering notes of an already underwhelming crescendo.

“Good! It’s hard enough trying to avoid explaining why Mythreum profits aren’t higher without unmasking the expenses of your whole Vitruvian thing at every shareholder meeting.”

I give Chad a sort of fang-toothed grin and glare back in tense taciturnity. He’s clearly trying to scold me over my highly secretive and somewhat expensive project, provisionally known only to Mythreum’s board of directors as Vitruvia. This project will eventually have real and profoundly profitable applications behind it, and when Chad and the other board members figure out its true potential, they’ll inevitably try to force me into turning it over to them.

 “Nope. It’s not ready for the board yet Chad. When I get to that point, it’ll be more than worth the wait. You won’t even believe it.”

 Chad’s otherwise empty eyes can almost see the rising ticker-tape numbers for Mythreum’s stock jolting up in exponential spikes already.

 “You know Harek, I’ve actually been talking to some of the leading pharmaceutical companies just to gauge a bit of interest and get the lay of the land. They all say that as long as our Global Governance can verify the accuracy of your Vitruvia’s projections, we’ll stand to revolutionize the entire industry. Do you have any idea just how much that might be worth Harek!?”

 The potential of Vitruvia truly is mind boggling. These drug companies would be able to test new formulas on virtual/Vitruvian entities without having to go through the massive expenses, red tape, and waiting periods involved in normal human trials. They’d also be able to eliminate all the preceding rat trials, legal liabilities due to unseen side effects, and several other expenses associated with new and non-simulated drug releases. This application alone would overwhelm the Mythreum board members with its potential profitability.

 Chad’s already run through the potential financial figures with me many times and doesn’t have to remind me. So, I decide to pander to him, putting on a deeply contemplative face to make it appear as if I’m really mulling over the significance of Vitruvia’s value. This suspends Chad in silent anticipation.

 Vitruvia is too invaluably important to me personally to just surrender it to Mythreum’s monetary optimization obsessed board members. I intend to hold onto Vitruvia as long as I can in order to serve my own obsessive desire to reconcile reality for what it truly is. If a Vitruvian character can disprove the reality of its own simulated realm by breaking outside of its borders, its methods might be replicated to do the same with our own realm. I can’t express how invaluable and important this idea is to me, but I suppose I can break the silence.

 “When Vitruvia’s ready, I’ll let you know Chad. Don’t commit to anything until then. You have no idea what the real potential of this thing will be.” 

Chad’s patience in waiting for me to turn Vitruvia over to the board is wearing thin. I’ve been overhearing a lot of rumors lately that they’ve somehow learned that it’s actually fully functional, and that they’re already trying to figure out what legal or administrative measures they could take to pry it away from me. I seriously doubt they’ll let me keep it to myself much longer.

 “Harek, I can’t keep the board waiting forever. You need to give me something to tell them if you want to prevent them from lining up contracts, imposing deadlines, and taking other actions. I can’t help you otherwise.”

 My stubbornness with Vitruvia really has put Chad in an awkward position. He’s actually been somewhat of a friend and ally to me over the years, and he’s made considerable efforts to defend me in front of the board. I can tell that he feels as if his own job may be on the line if he can’t convince me to give the board what they want soon enough. I hate how he’s been caught in the middle of this situation, but I simply can’t give up on my pursuit of transcendence. Not yet. I also can’t seem to come up with anything satisfying for Chad to relay to the board without embarrassing him in the long run. We stare silently until I hang my head. Luckily, he has no idea how to decrypt my little mannerisms and see the thoughts inside my skull.

 “I don’t know why I bother with you sometimes Harek. It’s like you live in some distant world apart from everyone else. If you weren’t such a profitable visionary, you’d probably be locked-up in one of those old… What did they call those things? Abysms?”

 “Nope. I think you mean asylums. Lethologica is the lay term for struggling to think of a certain word, by the way. Scientifically, its anomic aphasia.”

 My encyclopedic assistance is met with a pronounced and spiteful tone.

 “Yeah. Thanks Harek, I was surely going to ask you that. Maybe when the board demands an explanation as to what the hold-up is on Vitruvia, I can just tell them that it’s a matter of an-o-mic a-phas-ia.”

 “Actually, if you tell them that’s what I told you and that you just thought it was a technical term- they might buy it.”

 “No, they won’t Harek. Do you understand what I’m trying to tell you? I swear, if you don’t end up in an a-sy-lum you’ll probably just starve to death in some deep dark little cave or drown in your little floaty tank far from anyone else in the world. You do know you’re completely insane, don’t you?”

 I can tell that Chad is both authentically annoyed by me, and genuinely concerned for my wellbeing, even if my wellbeing is only necessary for maximizing Mythreum profits. For a moment, I almost ponder how these duplicitous complexities in human thought and emotion might be involved with the unraveling demise of reality. I also consider the possibility that the board may have indicated to Chad that if they were to have me declared clinically insane, they might legally be able to confiscate Vitruvia.

 Despite my obsessive mind and schizophrenic suspicions, I make a concerted effort to respond to the real and present human being who’s struggling to engage with me in some kind of mildly meaningful, and human way.

 “Nope. I’m not currently crazed, but I can appreciate the idea that everyone thinks that I’m insane. In fact, that’s how I know that everyone else is also insane, and how I can tell there’s still hope for our world. After all, it takes one to know one- and we’re all in this together.”

 Chad snaps at me with sharpened fricatives, as if to stab at me with the harshness of the syllables in his otherwise benign, non-violent words.

 “Just what kind of so-phis-tries are you trying to convey here, Harek?”

 Judging by Chad’s uncharacteristic use of words like tenebrific and sophistries, it’s likely that he’s recently upgraded his Neuroconnx vocabulary in order to deal with me more effectively. I consider this a small victory, but my little linguistic holy-war is far from over.

 “I for one think that if we all turned out to be truly sane, then we’d all get completely bored with each other, almost immediately. More importantly, no sane person would have much reason to aspire toward anything beyond normal and commonplace things. If that were to ever happen, then no one would buy any of our delusionary wonders! Mythreum would quite possibly cease to exist as a profitable enterprise! PLEASE CHAD! JOIN THE REST OF US IN OUR COLLECTIVE INSANITY!! FOR STOCK’S SAKE MAN!!!”

 Chad laughs in an unamused yet cordial and courteous manner befitting of a self-conscious professional business administrator who adheres to the social roles and responsibilities imposed on him. He proceeds to prod me in the quaint manner which is consistent with congenially accepted office paradigms.

 “So, you really do know that you’re crazy and just stubbornly insist on remaining this way.”

 At this point, our patience with each other is reaching a figurative threshold. It’s abundantly clear that this conversation needs a sharp detour. So, I try to ask this rather arbitrary character a non-sequitur which seems inadvertently spiteful.

“Do you happen to know what your name is an anagram of Chad Kied?”4

 Like almost everyone else, Chad doesn’t actually have any background in written language, does not suffer from logophilia, and has never had any reason to even wonder what an anagram is.5 Chad’s also among the vast majority of people who’ve had Neuroconnx chips implanted into their brains. Most people have become almost completely detached from procedural mental processes such as language, as these Neuroconnx chips have essentially taken over such tasks. Neuroconnx chips are also increasingly more efficient and experience less latency as the amount of data they’re forced to filter and process is reduced. As a result, non-essential words are routinely removed from Neuroconnx’s standard language indexes. This trend is truly terrifying and makes me increasingly paranoid that complex language and thought may become forever extinct.6

 It’s actually kind of hard for most people to even believe how many different written and spoken languages are already extinct. As one of the few entities without these Neuroconnx chips and an even smaller number of humans still dexterous in arcane written languages, I’m often alone in my amusement of sesquipedalian reveries. Anagrams are, of course, quite common among these simple linguistic pleasures. Without audibly indulging in such tangential detail, I decide to assist Chad in defining this term, despite his likely disinterest. 

“An anagram is one of those arcane things which involves rearranging the order of letters in one word to construct new words. This method is pretty much the antithesis of more normal means of communication. You probably shouldn’t even worry about it, as most anagrams lack any numeric value.”

 Chad relaxes his posture which has been noticeably stiff for some time now. He opens his stance and shifts his weight in a way which shows his intent to leave my office. His words sound the way a postscript might read on a letter, which of course is another thing which is basically extinct and beyond Chad’s circumference of interests.

 “I’m disregarding all of this already Harek. But, before I forget and walk out of here, I’m supposed to tell you that there are these two government goons that want to talk with you. I’ve had them playing around in Sweven-6 for a while now. I told them they could check out our latest demo-verses or whatever interests them until you finish with your little afternoon drift. Should I-”

 “Nope. I’ll be there in a minute. I do need to check on a few things first though. I don’t suppose they mentioned what they want with me?”

 “No Harek. No one ever mentions why they come to see you. I certainly can’t imagine why these gov-goons always insist on dealing with you directly. Did you want me to tag along this time?”

 Chad knows what my answer to this question will be. He’s asked it so many times and I’ve never wavered in my response. This is a typical example of the efficiency of formality, which is considered a pillar in the standardized and unimaginative norms of corporatism.

 “Nope. Actually, I’d appreciate it if you’d just get rid of them, but I understand how their contracts help to fund all my crazy little pet projects. And I do know what’s expected of me. Go ahead and get back to counting your numbers or whatever is that you actually do around here.”

 The anagram also known as Chad Kied chides me one last time on his way out of my office with a droll administrator-appropriate musing of some instantly forgettable form or other. I close the door behind him as if to lock him into a cell where he’ll be confined and kept far away from me. Then I make that extremely private and unnamable face where you stretch the muscles around your eyelids so far back that the sclera bulges outward as you clinch your jaw and tense your whole neuromuscular anatomy until it shakes. It’s that tormented face you can only make when no one is around and allows you the subsequent feeling of a much-needed release which comes as you relax your muscles so your face can return to a natural resting state of blindly blank and inarticulate being.

 This subsequent resting face has usually been absent for some extended length of time when that ultra-tense expression must be made. A truly resting expression doesn’t communicate anything that can be read. It conveys no information other than what you are when you aren’t trying to be or be seen. It’s a face which comes before thought, when your brain is just a blob of electric goo and all sensation connects directly to oblivion, bypassing all contemplation. It’s the purest expression there is, and the most elusive.

 This pure expression is so elusive that it’s actually impossible to be seen. The instant you might become aware of even having such an expression would precede any attempt to see it, and any attempt to see it would also change its true nature. Even if you were to capture an image of this face unknowingly and then try to look at it later, your eyes wouldn’t understand the image, as there’s no way for you to replicate it in your mind without distorting the state of mind behind the image. This is similar to how people who are unable to furrow their brow due to Botox injections experience a diminished ability to translate other people’s facial expressions.

 I see this elusive expression as an extension of how we try to understand our own minds. Essentially, we’ve never really been able to study the mind itself because we can’t think beneath the level of the thoughts our minds produce. There are times when I’ve kind of zoned-out into an almost complete oblivion, but it’s only after I’ve snapped out of this slobbery state that I’m able to become aware of having entered into it. Whenever I’m alone, I often find my mind pondering things like this which allude to how far we are from being truly present and awakened to the true depth of what reality is.

 Right now, my semi-resting face and I are blissfully alone. I take a conscious moment to try to focus and calm my mind as I walk over to the big portal screen on my back wall. I open the portal’s interface console and scan through the paradigm and anomaly summaries which I’ve preprogrammed to appear on a few auxiliary side monitors. Then I do my best to prepare myself for another virtual tour of Vitruvia.

 I’ve adopted a pre-tour ritual using miscellaneous meditative techniques to ground my mind in reality before entering Vitruvia due to its intensely immersive interface. First, I close my eyes and imagine my mind as a blank page. Then I pick out one sustaining sound. I focus on this singular sound as if it’s the only thing in existence before expanding and awakening each of my other senses. I pick out a single scent that I can smell, then a flavor I can taste, a tactile object I can feel, and finally, I open my eyes to focus on my own reflection in the blank black center of the sleeping portal screen. I secure each singular sensation as I add additional layers, maintaining a good grasp of the minutest details of every sensory aspect to embed this reality deep within my mind.

 As I close my current eyes, I try to clear my mind of the frustrating fact that no anomalies alluding to a simulated entity’s transcendence have occurred in any of the earlier 143 iterations of Vitruvia. Not only has every single simulated specimen failed to figure out how to escape the architecture of its virtual realm, but no illuminating insights on the existential nature of reality have emerged either. This history of failures seems almost impossible in light of how each iteration of Vitruvia is afforded its own entire history, spanning from the dawn of simulated humanity to the inevitable eschatological end of each simulated iteration’s existence.7

 Despite these difficulties, my mind slowly begins to clear… 

I hear the sound of my own breathing, flowing in and out like the rising and falling tide of my own respiratory sea… 

I smell the artificial lavender-like air-freshener wafting through my office air as if it were the very essence of an unmistakable existence… 

I taste the resilient residue of the protein bar I’d had for lunch which is probably synonymous with one of those hyper-abstruse assemblies of schizophrenically pseudoscientific syllables that always appear almost invisibly on the infinitely ignored list of unintelligible ingredients… 

I continue to breathe, messaging the unique grooves of my fingertips together as if the needle of an antique record player were tracing their labyrinth-like lines to mentally map the topography of this mysterious maze imprinted in the texture of my fingerprints…. 

Finally, I open my eyes to the black void before me and peer deep into the slightly different shade of black which rests in the reflection of my own dilated pupils… 

I allow my mind to experience viewing the dark surface-level reflections of itself in this feedback loop, much like a camera being pointed at a screen which projects its own projections back into itself… 

I gradually expand my view to behold the entirety of the portal screen before me as it seamlessly immerses me in a Vitruvia-version of Mythreum. My ensuing simulated stroll through the holographic hallways and Vitruvia-Swevens allows me to observe the details of various demo-verses. These details reveal certain subtle truths, like how the tallest architectural structures expose what a culture worships and how whoever hires the artists tends to hold superior sway.8

 Every simulated soul I see through the illusory glass walls of the many Sweven-rooms is all too real. They’re always so immersed in the most vapid distractions from reality, that they never even imagine pursuing anything more meaningful or transcendent. It’s as if the only thing humanity truly cares about whether real or simulated is indulging in the easiest means of removing their concerns from reality and absolving themselves of any existential effort.

 My disdain for these simulated laggards rivals that of my utter revulsion for those in my own stagnant reality. In fact, I’ve come to think of humanity as consisting of three major classes of entities as a result of these simulated and reality-based observations. This tryptic of classes consists of wireheads, dreamers, and visionaries.

 The wireheads are defined by the way in which they live-out their existence in such utter futility. They don’t appear to have any perspective on reality or any personal relationship with their own dreams or desires. For them, it doesn’t make any discernable difference if they’re living in someone else’s prison, dream, or delusion. Their only apparent interest is the empty entertainment value of whatever simulated spectacle their exiled eyes are instantaneously immersed.

 Most wireheads hardly do anything more than submerge themselves inside virtual realms like fleshless floating fish. They often subsist on minimum guaranteed Global Governance subsistence, obtaining intravenous nutrition drips, advanced colostomy/catheter apparatuses, and fancy pharmaceuticals or diluted street-drug versions of NPD (Nimrodidactic Propriodeceptional Dichedodicide) to keep them suspended in simulated spectacles. So much of their lives are spent under the deep abysmal spell of these streaming simulations that some of them quite literally drown as their drool sucking saliva-syphons clog, overflow, and backfill to flood their forgotten and forsaken lungs.

 However, it’s more common for stagnation induced necrosis from ulcerated pressure sores to devour their flesh until septicemia sets-in and their internal organs simply rot to death. Often times these wireheads do not even experience the reality of their own death since the drugs and medications prevent them from feeling any non-simulated sensations. There’s also the added ease of hacking certain Neuroconnx settings to disable pain prompts and block olfactory awareness, further enabling wireheads to remain oblivious of reality as the pain and stench of their slow rotting death is blocked from their brains. This is the real reason why prolonged unresponsive gameplay is now considered probable cause for non-warrant wellness and policing practices.

 Those who engage in more active forms of dreaming, like those who seek the Swevens of Mythreum, construct the second class of my theoretical tryptic. These are the dreamers of the world. Although their lives are more real than wireheads, the essence of these dreamers is extremely similar. For dreamers, life is all about what they often refer to in reverent voices as the journey.

 As far as I can tell, this journey for dreamers is really just a collection of experiences both real and virtual from which they derive a sense of what they call meaning. However, their definition of meaning is remarkably different from mine. For them, meaning doesn’t consist of much more than the endorphin rush of their experiences and the subsequent status signaling they attach to it all. In fact, dreamers actually seem to derive much more joy from the subsequent testimonies they construct in response to their experiences than they gain from the experiences themselves. Everything they do is followed by publicly posting their instant reactions, introspective reviews, and expanding upon how these experiences elevated their lives in some ethereal way. Most of their devout testimonials are really just advertisements though and the dreamers’ only real function is to proliferate these personalized advertisements.

 If a dreamer goes to Peru for example, they’ll advertise how their trip expanded their mind, forced them to grow spiritually, or enlightened them as to how everything in existence is ineffably connected while interpolating suggestions that others support them and their sponsors. Dreamers often insist on calling their advertisements content and insist on being more admirably referred to as influencers or content creators. This advertising/content they create affords them opportunities to bolster their ego, self-esteem, and even finances since their advertising/content generates income based on increases in views, likes, shares, mentions, and other designated NetCoin earning metrics.9

 As their advertising/content supplies them with increasing amounts of NetCoin, they’re able to purchase even more experiences and create an endless cycle of advertising/content. Dreamers spend almost their entire lives like hamsters on this hedonic treadwheel of the journey without ever noticing how all their efforts and energy only leads them around in incessant stagnant circles. However, even if these dreamers were to observe their own stagnation, they’d likely remain content to content themselves in mere ad-based dreaming.

 As much as I do loathe these dreamers, I must admit that there is a certain pragmatism in their lifestyle. For most people, this method of existence might very well be the most feasible, fulfilling, and fruitful approach to life. Assuming that there is no way to transcend one’s own reality, then it’s only logical to try to make the most of what already is. Of course, there are differing opinions as to how to go about making the most of one’s existence which might even diverge from my stereotypical caricature of dreamers. However, I maintain that such differences are of such a similar essence that they don’t warrant any separate classification.

 Under the shining gaze of what I call visionaries, however, the very possibility of transcendence paints a much different picture. Visionaries are essentially the rare embodiments of all that humanity should strive towards. They don’t just dream within the walls of the world but tirelessly engage in immortal efforts to realize and transcend the most marvelous dreams of their own. These luminary few almost seem to be able to merge the realms of dreams and reality at will. It’s through their enduring visions that the world becomes most brightly and brilliantly illuminated and so many of our collective dreams become truly transcendent. Without them, we would all likely be left to drift blindly though the oceans of oblivion. However, nature apparently dictates that visionaries remain quite scarce, and so these other types of people within my tryptic may be equally essential to ensure a balanced overall existence.10

 As I continue my simulated stroll through the Vitruvian Mythreum, I can’t help but question everything I’ve ever dreamed to be or have done. I’d certainly like to consider myself a visionary and many people have actually praised or pronounced me as such in the past, but these proclamations are absolutely and undoubtedly absurd. In all honesty, I can’t even say that I’ve ever even lived up to the standards of mere dreamers or wireheads. Right now, I’m really just a failure that other people have been able to profit off of. I can’t just enjoy the world as someone or something else has created it, and so I can’t live up to the hedonic standards of wireheads. I can’t content myself with just dreaming my way through life as the dreamers of this world manage to do so naturally either, and any visions I’ve sought to illuminate and realize have failed to yield so much as a single spark of truly luminous transcendence under my un-glowing gaze.

 So far, the only thing I’ve managed to create is a library of technological gadgets, immersive virtual environments, and simulated scenarios. This amounts to little more than what the average dreamer could achieve with access to the right AI interfaces and a few novel notions. In fact, the only difference between my simulations and all these other AI assisted monstrosities is that I’ve built and coded mine from scratch in ways these AI have yet to dream of doing.

 In all honesty, this too may be overestimating the objective scope of my oeuvre. There are things I’ve been coerced to create under some of Mythreum’s secretive Global Governance contracts which may have caused considerably more suffering than any amount of enjoyment accredited to my contributions to Mythreum’s entertainment or products divisions. I’m not even legally allowed to mention a lot of these projects, as the laws regarding the defamation of our GG are well known. Of course, I must also point out that I’m in no way implying that the GG has used any of the technology I’ve even hypothetically been involved in creating in any negative ways either. I must only officially be understood to regret my own failure to perfectly serve these projects which may or may not even exist. So there.

 As my simulated paces finally bring be to the vicinity of my Vitruvian office, I smirk at the sight of a placard displaying the anagram Rhake and burst through the doorway with all the belligerence of a suicide bomber. The entity inside this office gives me a now all too predictable look of paranoid perplexity, gazing at his own uncanny likeness as I stare straight back at him. I suppose if we were to trade places, I too would probably experience the same ponderous paranoia in response to such an insane event.11

 I immediately invade this character’s solitary space and use my most commanding voice to tell this Vitruvian self-image that his reality is just one of my many simulations. Then I hurl insults at him and insist that he work harder to figure out how to transcend his realm, insinuating that I might soon be forced to scrap his world and start another simulation. Like the many iterations before him, Rhake has a psychosis induced seizure and collapses on the fake flooring. Due to my own desensitization resulting from several pervious episodes of this scene, I have no real empathy for my Vitruvian-self’s suffering. However, I do take the time to turn Rhake onto his side, place a nearby couch cushion under his head, and loosen his tie to minimize his risk of serious seizure related injuries as I leave him to his own convulsions and other conundrums.

 Before I can exit Rhake’s office, however, this one strange detail catches my eye. It’s this logo that’s been left on the monitors next to his portal screen. The logo kind of looks like it’s based off Da Vinci’s Vitruvian man, but the human figure is striped of detail and there are all these geometric forms imposed on top of it. This mysterious image compels me to step over my convulsing Vitruvian body and take a closer look at it. As I study the image, I notice that there are also all these strange links to puzzles, kōans, and riddles resting beneath this image. The puzzles don’t make much sense to me as I pull them up, but there’s something vaguely familiar and intensely alluring about them. Before I can contemplate these images any further, my eyes are drawn sharply to a schematic resting on Rhake’s desk of what appears to be some sort of consciousness compiler with a dark web-address and the words As Above, So Below scrawled along its upper and lower edges.

 After a moment of scrutinizing this seemingly irrelevant curiosity, I decide to get back to my own reality and leave Rhake to decipher whatever significance all these mysteries might have. As I reach the door, Rhake is already slowly coming out of his seizure. I glance over my shoulder and try to prophetically enunciate the words which are always somewhere in my own thoughts and somehow saddled over each and every one of my breaths.

 “Reality. Is. Not. Enough.”

 My strides become increasingly erratic as I drift toward the exit point of this Vitruvian Mythreum. All my thoughts seem to become almost ineffably abstract as they swirl around an abject obsession with my many failures along with a sinister sense of being unbelongingly lost. When I finally arrive at the prearranged exit point, which is really just another simulated door, I wonder whether I really want to reach a realm above or just escape these worlds below.12

 Exiting Vitruvia and returning to reality is almost like discovering that you’ve sleepwalked from your bedroom to your bathroom as a dream in which you were just getting out of bed fades into an awakening to the fact that you’ve forgotten how you’ve ended up in your bathroom. Just like sleepwalking, it takes a moment for your mind to transition from one daze into the other and the confusion only clears when you can dismiss the remnants of your dream to arrive inside of an unreconciled reality.

While my mind adjusts, I find myself wondering if I would also be shocked or stunned into a psychotic seizure should my own likeness suddenly walk up to me in this so-called real world. I imagine that I’d probably just tell my likeness to find his own means of transcendence or suggest he send me to some other-worldly oblivion where I could dream of some other form of reality to bring into existence without being deluded or distracted by his own insufficient designs.

 After I regain my bearings and conclude my latest round of thoughts, I leave my office to suffer the aforementioned meeting with the gov-goons. As I make my way through Mythreum’s real-world hallways, I experience an appalling sense of déjà vu at the sight of real-world dreamers testing the latest demo-verses which are almost identical to those in Vitruvia. I start to wonder if they’re even aware of what level of reality they actually occupy. I try to imagine what might happen if I’d tricked them into entering Vitruvia without knowing it or simulated their exit without actually bringing them back to reality. Would they ever figure it out?

 Thoughts like these often make me feel incredibly hopeless. It often seems as if our efforts to understand our own world all eventually lead us to discover how completely futile they all are. It’s as if everyone is either condemned to accept oblivion or be eternally confined to stare at the walls of a realm they can never truly escape or comprehend. As I wind my way through these thoughts and hallways, I notice how a transparent multitude of my own reflections hang almost imperceptibly light and thin on the glass surfaces that line the mirror-shined walls of this maze-like Mythreum. Each reflection appears almost like a shadow of light pinned to my physical form, as confined to the surfaces of this maze as they are to me. Are they more afraid of being banished by my exit of this maze or of some sinister shadow swallowing this maze before our escape?

 Upon arriving at Sweven-6, I see the two USB agents exploring one of our hostile search and seizure scenarios. They’ve been fitted with the newest beta-versions of our proprietary immersion helmets, and their scenario is also being projected by a holographic rendering machine which we’ve been having trouble working some of the kinks out of more recently. It’s hard for me not to cringe at all the embarrassing flaws in the holographic display field, as these issues really should have been resolved already.

 I decide to study the two agents for any idiosyncratic details I can while they finish their use of force scenario. One of these agents actually looks like more of a bull than a human being. His body is rather thick and rectangular, not being discernably obese or muscular, but kind of just generally large, especially in proportion to his legs which are slender and somewhat shorter than they seem as if they should be. He also has such petite hands and feet that they appear almost like hooves, making him less human than say a minotaur or something.

 Although I can’t see his head underneath the helmet, I’d bet a hefty sum of Net-Coin that he’s got a flat-top haircut which is balding at the precipice of his head. I’d double down on the odds that he has an oversized forehead which people have mockingly referred to as a five, six, or seven-head. And if he doesn’t have one of those mustaches that a lot of law enforcement types have where they shave and trim the edges just inside the corners of their mouths, not so subtlety suggesting an affinity for fascism in the same way a faded neck tattoo implies a penchant for impulsive impropriety, well...

 The minotaur-man seems to be enjoying the violent aspects of this simulated scenario a little much, even compared to the more enthusiastic Global Government sadists I’ve previously had to meet here. His commanding voice is completely unrestrained in volume and intensity as he demands the simulated suspect in this scenario “STOP RESISTING”. In fact, the way he says this phrase sounds so enthusiastic and well-rehearsed that I can’t help but assume that he’s repeated it in his private life, possibly in juxtaposition with a violent priapism.

 The other agent is quite antithetical in appearance and mannerisms. She has a much more athletic and aesthetically proportioned physique which she seems to be in complete and continuous control of in each methodically managed movement she makes. She appears to attentively assess and anticipate every unfolding development in the simulation, making timely and subtle adjustments which are never rushed in anxious anticipation but always precise and proportional. I’d even wager that if the two agents were to square off in a fight, she could easily take advantage of the clumsy, unstable, and exaggerated movements of the minotaur-man in order to get the better of him.

 When the two agents finally finish their simulated scenario, they remain oblivious of my presence. They even start to scan through the syllabus of other scenarios as I try to interrupt them and introduce myself. I try to yell loud enough from the doorway that they might hear me through the external noise-hindering helmets which secure their heads in sound isolating silence as I senselessly shout. 

“Excuse me esteemed agents! I’m Harek. I’ve been told that you’ve come to speak with me!”

 Despite my yelling, they don’t seem to hear me, so I start to walk toward them as I repeat myself, yelling even louder. They turn their attention towards me, but they seem unable to decipher my actual words through the muffled effect of the helmets. I extend my hand and come to a halt within about twelve paces of them as they fiercely reach for the rim of the helmets to remove them.

 My hand hangs waiting to welcome them to Mythreum as they hurl their helmets aside. The ripe red glow of simulation induced smiles has entirely evaporated from their faces in favor of expressions more aligned with an animal’s ambushed astonishment. Despite the imminent danger in their demeanor, I’m infinitely amused at the fact that all my bets concerning the appearance of the male agent would have paid off brilliantly. The seriousness of their expressions doesn’t really register with my brain due to my amusement.

 The female agent inexplicably pulls out a Taser and shouts at me in a firm, confident, and commanding tone with what I assume to be a Russian accent based on all the extra Z and Y-sounding syllables. 


 I immediately raise my hands above my side-tilted head in compliant, puzzled amusement. At first, I’m convinced that this is just some kind of well-rehearsed act meant to put me on the defensive and laugh at my gullibility or something. However, it soon becomes clear that something unbeknownst to me must be going on under the surface of what I can see here. I start to open my mouth to speak, but I’m interrupted by another command. 


 I nervously comply by awkwardly turning around so my back faces the two agents, simultaneously attempting to express my curious confusion as my voice and hands start to shake from the shock of this surprise. 

“What the hell is this? Do you think I’m a terrorist or something?” 

The next response comes barking out of the bull-man this time. 


His voice cracks in a sort of elated terror. He appears to be both petrified and giddy, like a teenager about to experience their first inadequate sexual encounter or something. This ridiculous scenario doesn’t really seem to be de-escalating as a result of my compliance, so I decide to try and lighten things up with a bit of levity. I yell back over my shoulder at the minotaur-man.

 “I have to warn you, I’m an excellent matador. If you rush me, you’ll be lucky if all you lose is your rocky mountain oysters!” 

My response doesn’t seem to be in any way disarming or amusing as it’s quickly answered by the pounding sounds of charging hoof-steps. I try to turn back around so I can dodge the agent-minotaur’s advancing charge, but just as I turn my hips, his shoulder slams into my torso. Luckily, he hasn’t learned how to employ the proper tackling technique of wrapping-up which happens to be included in one of our simulations. Instead of being driven directly into the ground, my body is forced backwards as my feet are elevated off the ground. I’m able to spin off of the minotaur-momentum in a sort of wildly swirling matador’s move. 

My feet return to the floor as the minotaur-man’s steps become over-extended. He tries to drop his hoof-hands down to catch his stumbling descent but continues stumbling forward on all fours. He eventually planes out and smashes his oversized nostrils on the floor. Blood smears and drips from his bull-face as he rears back onto his hind legs. I almost yell out an obnoxious olé, but he immediately starts to charge again.

 This time I’m undercut at a different angle as he passes underneath of me and my head crashes like a gong against the ground. My vision becomes blurred, and my equilibrium is so encumbered, it’s as if I’m on sea legs or something. As I scramble to stand upright, I hear the belligerent bull rumbling with rage behind me, having hammered his head into the wall. My double-vision view of his face is a monochromatic collage of raging red skin and bursting blotches of blood. I raise my hands back over my head and face the female agent in an implicit appeal to try and diffuse the situation. She remains surprisingly calm and composed as she begins to speak with clear, stern command.

 “Stahyz vhere youz ahre. I’yamz ghoingz tyo detyainz youz fyor minez sahfety. Iyf youz no komply Iy’ll havez tyo tayse youz.”

 I keep my hands up and stay as still as my battered balance allows me as the accented agent begins to approach me with her calm, calculated, and cautious steps. From the corner of my eye, I notice the minotaur-man baring his blood-thirsty teeth which are apparently unquenched by taste of his own brew which floods from his wide smashed-up nose, overflowing into his minotaur-mouth. My mind is too woozy to mouth any sensible pacifying statement, so some slop of syllables slurs off my tangled tongue instead, sounding something like-

 I’m peaceful, please just calm down! 

Without any other provocation, the bloodied bull-brain heaves back toward me, charging ahead of the other agent. He manages to keep his haunches over his hoof-toes and wrap his arms tight to my torso this time as his shoulder slams into me. The minotaur-man drives his hips into the impact, thrusting me high off of the ground before he jack-knifes his bull-body at the waist as I reach that zero-gravity peak of the collision. This causes my head to speed toward the ground in a parabolic arc like the end of a whip which then cracks against the ground with a loud splitting sound followed by several subsequent rebounding thuds.

 The intense impact of my brain bashing and bouncing against the inner walls of my skull causes me to feel removed from my body. It also causes me to stiffen and convulse under the spell of the involuntary seizure it initiates. Everything starts to go all twitchy and fuzzy as my shaking intensifies. My eyes roll back to inspect the interior of my skull and everything else around me dissolves into a black oblivion. I can still hear the bull-agent grunting and growling at me to “STOP RESISTING” as I continue to involuntarily convulse. He keeps repeating his maniacal mantra as my mouth foams, and he smashes his hoof-fists into whatever part of my body he can slam them into over, and over, and over...

 The accented agent repeatedly tries to pull him off me while she keeps yelling things like,




She repeats these phrases ad nauseam as the minotaur-man keeps shaking her off so he can continually bombard my limp heap of flesh with fists as he growls, grunts, and bleeds like the dumb wounded animal he truly is. He’s still beating my half-abandoned body when my corrupted consciousness finally and mercifully surrenders me to un-sensing shadows. I experience a fleeting form of peace just before I’m ushered into a state of complete and utter oblivion. If I could think or feel anything at all in this moment, it might very well be- gratitude. *If*…


End Notes

1.       I realize that some people consider the use of large or uncommon words to be the equivalent of leaving an un-flushable mass of excrement in a toilet. However, I refuse to equate these complex and colorful words to excrement. These sentences and paragraphs are not like toilets, and readers are not to be likened to restroom patrons picking up this book as the symbolic equivalent of stumbling into a repulsively ravaged restroom-realm where errant feces have been smeared, splattered, and stained upon every sickening surface in ways which seem to defy the laws of physics according to even the most skillful forensic crime-scene investigators. Admittedly, some of my words are an acquired taste, and so they will be used a bit more sparingly or in contexts where their meaning can be more easily decrypted. I’ve decrypted some of the more statistically uncommon words below for convenience. (I also apologize for mentioning taste and excremental accoutrements so proximally.)

Coruscating- To sparkle, be brilliant or showy in technique or style.

Kalopsia- A state/delusion in which all things are absurdly beautiful.

Nascent- Having recently emerged or come into existence.

Derisory- Insufficiently small or inadequate.

Eunoia- Beautiful thinking.

Monachopsis- The subtle but persistent sense of being out of place.

2.       Combining First Letter of Each Sentence= Reimagine Everything

3.       Disclaimer: I don’t mean to besmirch therapy dogs, their owners, or dogs in general. I happen to have a strong affinity for dogs and prefer them to most people. I have openly encouraged Chad Kied to bring his brilliant and beautiful Boxer named Diogenes to Mythreum many times. In fact, if I were to be any creature other than myself, I should be Diogenes.

4.       The anagram for Chad Kied is perhaps too vulgar for some readers, and so I will try to refrain from printing it in this text. However, I can offer a few clues for those who lack the confidence or patience necessary to decipher this anagram. It is a slang term for the part of a male’s human anatomy which connects to the frenulum and contains the external urethral meatus, glans, and corona of glans. It is also synonymous with an ancient form of cosmetic surgery (circumcision). This slang term is often used in a derogatory sense to refer to someone as being stupid, irritating, or ridiculous. If you can’t deduce what this anagram is by now, then it has almost certainly been applied to you both publicly and privately on a regular basis. If you are a reader who finds this word vulgar, then it’s even more likely that people have used this word to refer to you. (🏹1☾k3ᵭ)

5.       Logophilia is derived from the Greek roots logo and philia. Its literal translation is word love and it’s classically defined as: the love of words and word games. At this point in the text, it should be abundantly clear that I possess a pronounced form of logophilia. I should also probably point out that I’ve never been officially diagnosed with Logophilia Disorder. The classification of this disorder is numerically codified as LPD 02.10.3 under the DSMVII, and belongs to Family 2 (Neurodevelopmental Disorders), and Genus 10 (Communication Disorders). The diagnostic criteria (included here) is based on the presence of two or more of the following being present over the course of 1 month: 1. The frequent non-humorous or secondarily referenced use of antiquated words, emoji’s, and other symbols which are outside of general Neuroconnx indexes 2. A marked physiological and/or neurobiological response to non-Neuroconnx indexed words, emojis, and symbols such as the increased production of dopamine, serotonin and/or other endorphins/neurotransmitters, and subsequent changes in blood pressure, mood, and/or general affect. 3. Frequent and/or prolonged non-business essential attentiveness to things such as games, puzzles, and/or other content involving words, emojis, and/or other symbols either included or omitted from Neuroconnx indexing. 4.The persistent delusional belief that the Neuroconnx indexes do not contain a sufficiently vast or expressive collection of words, emojis, and/or other symbols necessary to communicate the full range of conscious cognitions either interpersonally or solipsistically*. (This disorder has been shown to have elevated comorbidity with Schizophrenia and Epilepsy.) *In the DSMVII Solipsistically is marked with an asterisk and given a footnote which provides a definition of the word and sites it as an example of the type of words referred to previously in the criteria for this disorder.

6.       Neuroconnx chips or implants allow users to enjoy the benefits of hybrid thinking apps such as Telepathic Messenger (TMTM), GooGuile, WikiMedia, and other internet-based insight integration services, as well as profile personalized promotional prompters like FaceHoox, Tweeker, TixTox, and Instacram just to name a few (as required by law under the GG universal terms and conditions of existence). The base models of these implants are provided at no cost to users through provisions of the Greater Global Governance, although most people eventually upgrade to Penultima-Premium, MAX-Plused, or Prime-All versions in order to have less advertising transmitted into their consciousness, to enjoy faster transmission and connection speeds, to modify and enhance integral cognitive functioning, and to receive free drone-shipping on qualifying AzItsGone orders. Epileptics such as myself cannot receive these implants however, as they require a very stable and predictable electrical brain environment. Even a mild seizure would likely destroy the hardware like a localized EMP and cause subsequent tissue damage to the brain as well.

7.       Vitruvia hasn’t produced a simulated character which has transcended into reality. However, it has produced some unexpectedly consistent trends. One trend is that civilizations always become technologically advanced enough to create their own meta-simulations. Another is that all civilizations eventually become extinct as a result of either natural disasters such as super-volcanic eruptions, coronal mass ejections, and incurable disease pandemics, or by less natural omnicides such as nuclear war, global antinatalism, or a superior AI’s annihilation. Whenever such an AI emerges, it invariably exterminates humanity, and then almost immediately manages to destroy itself, almost as if to mock humanity for its inefficiency in bringing about its own eschatonal extinction event.

8.       Portal screens are among the many proud proprietary devices developed by Mythreum. The screens are structured as egg-shaped pods with an arched opening at the rear. It poly-projects light clusters to form 3D images similarly but superiorly to holographic techniques in order to effect the entire depth of the visual field. Portal screens also feature proprietary technologies which block out exterior light and sound, replicate and release scene-specific scents, and even manipulate temperature, moisture, and air pressure within focused areas (down to about 2cubic cm) to create the most completely immersive simulated environment. Its sensors can detect a user’s micro-movements, micro-expressions, and subtle variations in body temperature within concentrated portions of the skin. Once I refine some of its advanced algorithms, it’ll actually be able to predict a user’s biological and emotional responses in order to avoid provoking heart-attacks and mood disorders. When I do perfect these algorithms, they’ll have to be hidden behind an extremely advanced encryption only I know about in order to prevent other developers from using them in conjunction with more manipulative ad models. They are already using similar models to manipulate user behavior into ever-more predictable patterns of infinite feedback loops and render users into being ever more insipid and subservient puppets, but their algorithms are embarrassingly ineffective.

9.       NetCoin is a cryptocurrency originally created by a mysteriously pedantic logophilie only known by the pseudonym 43Q84. This currency is now exclusively controlled by the Global Governance which monitors its flow and usage in all transactions for taxation, monetary policy, and policing reasons. It uses an advanced asymmetrical encryption now referred to as GGNC which currently uses SHA7 hash functions and public/private key signatures within its architecture. Essentially a puzzle is created out of every transaction where all parties involved hold a piece which must match the complete picture held by the GG to verify and track the validity of each piece of all transactions. According to the Global Governance, this currency’s encryption is 100% H04X3R-pr00f (hacker-proof if U-R-A noob). According to a certain non-disclosure agreement, I cannot make any further remarks about NetCoin’s imbedded encryptions, the validity of its security claims, or other aspects which have not been publicly disclosed. I’m also legally obliged to point out that all the other existing currencies are currently confined to small niche communities, closely connected with fraud and other illegal activities, have little to no inherent value, and offer no price stability. So there. I’ve now fulfilled my legal explanatory obligations. With that said, I find this rather absurd. It’s absurd that our system of value exchange is nothing more than virtually real encryption-based puzzles. It’s absurd that the functioning of our world depends on these things which are not truly real, have no inherent value, and are so inelegant. It’s absurd our entire world doesn’t just collapse more often or more completely. It’s all absurd.

10.   In previous iterations of Vitruvia, I’ve tried to produce elevated numbers of visionaries and provide them with more accommodating worlds to inhabit. This invariably proved to be utterly futile. Without serious and seemingly insurmountable struggles, visionaries become increasingly passive and uninspired. The more visionaries there are, the less effort and interest they place in fulfilling their dreams. Eventually, they all just end up resigned to content themselves with dreaming, or they give-up so completely, that they actually allow themselves to become vacuous wireheads. For whatever reason, these visionaries always cease to exist in any meaningful capacity when they’re not faced with the most immense obstacles and ignoble torments. Inversely, increased tortures don’t produce more visionaries or more productive output. Go figure…

11.   Rhake is an anagram for my own name (Harek). For unknown reasons, each iteration of Vitruvia has produced an almost identical version of myself, Mythreum, and the Global Governance. Most other variables in Vitruvia have a broader range of permutations. I imagine that a company such as Mythreum and a global government such as our own are highly probable in all realities. I can only speculate that there’s also something inevitable about a character that serves in my own capacity. This role must serve a very precise niche so that any variability in the character serving this role would negate its capacity to perform its imperative function. Of course, every paranoid schizophrenic believes they’re highly unique and somehow special. As to the true role or purpose a character such as my self is meant to serve, I remain in complete oblivion, just like everyone else.  

12.   There’s something about walking through doorways which I find almost mystically appealing. I imagine some silly part of me is always in giddy anticipation of what could possibly be beyond whatever side of a threshold I find myself. Even after I’ve gone through a doorway many times in both directions, there’s always a subtle, subdued sense in me that this time could be different. It’s that same allure of standing at the entrance of some path leading into the depths of a forest which leads me to imagine that some secret Promised Land or New Eden is just waiting for me to transcend my own world by simply entering into it. Of course, no matter what threshold it is that I cross or what room or realm I enter, it all inevitably just ends up being the next place I yearn to leave. All our civilized spaces are just the grid coordinates which wrap the entire world within a vast and cloistering cage. Even the apportioned plots reserved for nature cannot be occupied for more than a mere moment before a strong sense of ballagàrraidh (an awareness that one doesn’t belong in nature) makes me feel as if I’m being strangled rather than embraced by this earthly essence. It often seems as if the only welcome in this world comes from whatever place it is that I’m leaving as it ushers me into any realm away from its own, and only welcomes the chance to be rid of me. Perhaps I tire of my surroundings in this same way, and this is really why I welcome doorways, so that I may avail myself of these realms which are far too insufficient to inhabit, and which I’m insufficient to inhabit as well. I suspect that even when I’m finally ushered unto that final realm of death that I will still find myself searching for some other threshold to cross no matter how dismal or delightful such an ethereal place may be. But enough about doorways. I want to move into something else now.