Wednesday, April 29, 2015

In Light Of Diogenes...

Diogenes lantern held high
Casting down light- far and wide
Illuminating the terrestrial depths

In the never-ending askance why
Upon the realms where lives reside
Inflates the air within mere breaths
Staving-off some ethereal deaths

As voices profess, but won't confess
Crying for more, expecting less
Remaining disheveled, but intolerant of mess
Proclaimed progressive as results regress

In the light of Diogenes shines
All the words run-through with lines
The errors and failures made eternally clear
As water in each unevaporated tear

In this light upon the dark
With every blemish, every mark
The pure and the holy not to be found
Even in eyes where love does abound

In this darkness dimly shown
The lack of perfection remaining unknown
Demanding visions produces no insight
But accepting the darkness just draws out the night

In light of Diogenes the reflections perceived
This reciprocation leaves all light aggrieved
At dusk the lantern becomes of some use
But at dawn is agglomerated among the refuse

In light of this gaze the eyes fail to see
But imagine instead as if they were free
Blind to the world as all it might be
Bound by the haze and drawn to debris

Vitruvian brothers and veritas sisters
With feet that callous over blisters
From steps that don't find, but valiantly search
Beyond ruins of heathens, walls of some church
But still tread upon the face of real earth
Instill into blood by means more than birth
The true quest for vision, whatever its worth

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