Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Adam Ate The Apple...

The sun was shine'n'
over that garden grand
as the old snake came slither'n'
and advertise'n' its brand
Of all the varied fruits
from all their different roots
that apple red delicious
had hardly seemed malicious
despite the prohibition,
the warnings, and apprehension
And as the apple of his eye
urged him to taste the sky
adam ate the apple
but never did say why

...and now, and how
we all walk, and talk, and feast
like men, like women,
-not descendants of some beast
All of us so all consuming
of all we're led to be assuming
We breathe the breaths of adverse ads
and follow the paths of stagnated nomads
while ill-advised appeals replace ideals
as greater thought gives way to feels
and we choke 'cause we refuse to cough
being strangled by bitter scorn and scoff
as if our adam's apple were a snare
to trap us in the sins we share
since adam ate the apple
and still we don't know where

...and now, and how
the headlines turn heads into lines
releasing memes from their confines
while quotes, stats, and evidence skews
until it all supports the narrowed views
as the men and women are all turned to stone
to bear inscriptions of some subscribed throne
All becoming one and the same
as the snake that started-off this game
when adam ate the apple
of what knowledge we proclaim

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