Monday, March 9, 2015

It Was There...

It was there
 in the styrofoam big-gulp
 in the greasy wax-paper
 in the cardboard box
maybe it was in the dumpster
perhaps its in there now

what once held something
now emptied
now contained
now waiting in decay
now nothing in refrain

the fluid drained in drinking
the food consumed in eating
the box unpacked
the dumpster emptied

from something
into clutter/rubbish/waste...
from there to cleansing
and then the cleanly nothing
the filling and the filth forgotten

without something else
some creation or ascent
this would become its end
  the all becoming nothing
  in the nothing of it all

where does it come from
  before it's sure to go
how is there any sum
  that does not wilt but grow

It was there
it was seen
it was heard
it was tasted
it was smelt
it was felt
 was there but still unknown

Was it in its own creation
before it was contained
Was it in its own container
before none of it remained
Was it in its own consumption
in the way that it was drained

where it was and how it goes
what it was and why it flows
all that's there and no one knows

in the end
it was ever ending
not to mend
but always pending
to resend
and only lending

It was there
 the memory too
It was there
fading away
fading like you
fading from me
(nothing new)

It was there
no matter what
no matter why
It was there
and for that
  the eyes will cry
  the breath will exit as a sigh
  and silence held for all that die

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