Friday, August 19, 2016

That Little Light Of Mine...

Before I was very bright
I used to sing songs upon command
One song, I remember
was about a light
& I'd sing it even without any demand

In that song I swore an oath
that I would so solemnly shine
a single little light,
a little light of mine

At that age such proclamations
were more a timbre than a testament
like vows of a prearranged espousement
or the pledge of allegiances to nations

I swore to take my little light
around the world & let it shine
(although the ways I'd not define)

As dim as I was then
I'd had some sense of light
but beyond where I had been
was a dark I'd yet to fight

According to the song
I would protect my light
from any that would blow
like winds of a Stygian-night

Now whatever light remains
of that little light of mine
still flickers, flares, & strains
as it refuses to resign

And I'll burn till I burn-out
in the decrescendo of a song
or an abruptly silenced shout

For that little light of mine
has just so long to shine
and that little light of mine
I'll let it...

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