Friday, November 17, 2017

The Cenobites Are Calling...

You'd eaten the fallen apple
and opened the infernal box
Then done penance at the chapel
and sacrificed your entire flock
But that blood-sugar aftertaste
was still upon your praying tongue
and your hands remained soiled & disgraced
as you'd held that sacrificial blade and swung

Now the Cenobites are calling
and they have such sights to show
While the bottom continues falling
and your blood is made to flow
The Cenobites are calling
and their secrets are yours to know
if only you'll answer without stalling
and surrender to depths beyond below

There is no sky beyond here
No light descending from above
Only fallen ceilings and crumbled walls
There are no grounds to tend here
Nothing to sow, nor reap, nor love
Only an abyss unto itself that forever falls
Where there is only one abundance
of artificial light and veridical darkness
Intertwined in eternal redundance
& ornamented only by sheer starkness

With the Cenobites still calling
and having such sights to show
While the bottom continues falling
and your blood never ceases to flow
The Cenobites are calling
and this secret you now know
there was never any forestalling
your descent of depths beyond below

Memories illuminate your gloom
as lost life ignites the fires of doom
Every good deed becomes a lie
and each sin good cause to die
Your infinite squandered futures
now eternal wounds that weep for sutures
So far from any life and without death
only perpetually emptied burning breath
With no words upon strained exhalations
only the silence of eternal exclamations

As the Cenobites are calling
with still darker sights to show
For the bottom continues falling
and your blood will forever flow
The Cenobites are calling
they've secrets you'll never know
so your suffering won't be palling
while descending depths beyond below

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