Thursday, November 23, 2017

With Earthly Eyes...

Here on earth with earthly eyes
Gazing away under moonlit skies
does Gawd, the ghostly Gawd look too
both from behind and right back into
these same searching earthly eyes
transfixed under His celestial skies

Does Gawd see the depth of depths reflected
in the superficiality of a sparse soul's sunken eyes
cast down unto His ocean floor, dejected
by the struggle of squints for a minor glimpse
of more than scattered shards of the shattered shadows
that cast such an abysmal darkness over a slumbering earth
which appears much more forsaken than protected

Here on earth with earthly eyes
Does Gawd gaze back as moonlit skies
as I look to see Gawd looking down
to see if Gawd can see Himself all around
in things above, beyond, or under ground
Or at least to see Him see Himself conflicted
in these earthly eyes so disparate, desperate, & restricted

Must all this light be intertwined
with all these shadows so maligned
Must this darkness so surround
any light that would abound
& Must these eyes be so confined
by umbral shades of an earthly mind

Here on earth with earthly eyes
with heavens obscured by night's disguise
and light no deeper than the ground
there must be something more profound
than truths that masquerade their hues
while tinged by shadows' blacks and blues
or unglimpsed by earthly eyes recused

For why else would these earthly eyes look out
and not cave-in, collapsing under sightless doubt
No there must be much more light than this
There must be so much earthly eyes have missed
More than sparks obscured by densest existential mist
Like loving words unspoken by beloved lips unkissed

Here on earth with earthly eyes
watching as my own light dies
only surfaces come into view
despite the depths from which they grew
All sights unseen or stared straight into
illuminate there's so much here I never knew
and give these earthly eyes insight to continue

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