Monday, October 13, 2014

Be Careful...

In Venom, Blood, and Tears

It creeps in through
unseen cracks
Seeps in, without leaving tracks
Then it lurks in shadow
and lies in wait
until its time
through fault or fate

It sinks in teeth
Injecting venomous dose
Often without notice
Then it stays so close
Even if you crush
the contaminating corpse
the venom remains
following blood's course

It makes its way
through your own
until you are moved
or turned to stone
Then it forces its way out
beating on a broken heart
till it bleeds the whole way out

It pools in tepid forms
after draining marrow dry
Aglomerates, evaporates,
sucked into the sky
that rains it down again
  and it's absorbed inside a drink
  and it's filtered into tears
for another's eyes to cry

It's never alone
and it seems that
it cannot remain in such a way
It needs a host
loves company
and is constantly trying to invade

It doesn't belong
no matter where it goes
and it's never welcomed
never wanted
it's either there
or lurking close by
and no matter how many times
you cast it out
it's always trying to be
introduced again
in venom, blood, and tears

So be cautious
not to open the mouth
too much, too long
So be cautious
when blood is exposed
even if it's your own
So be cautious
when the tears
are flowing

Be cautious
but not scared
for it is also found in fear
but all the same
Be cautious
 in venom, blood, and tears

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