Sunday, February 8, 2015

I Write About The Divide...

I write about the divide
between my self
and this world
&c, &c, &c...

I write about the divide
between all things
and each other
etc, etc, etc...

I write about the divide
between what might be
and what is seen to be
and what is not
&c, &c, &c...

I write about the divide
between the act of viewing
and the virtue of vision
&c, &c, &c...

I write about the divide
between definitions
and meanings
etc, etc, etc...

I write about the divide
between consensus
and individuation
etc, etc, etc...

I write about the divide
between wandering aimlessly
and wondering purposefully
&c, &c, &c...

I write about the divide
etc, etc, etc...

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