Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Practice of Epitome...

I can hate
 and be kind
be berated
 and not mind
I can scold
 and belittle
be bold
 and be gentle
I can demean
 and defend
be mean
 and amend

I can see the worst in people
and leave them well alone
I can wish the best for sheeple
and pretend to be a drone

Contradictions and convictions
commonly lack much comprehension
as eyes are averted in apprehension
perpetuating the course of man's condition

See what's left
of what was right
Become bereft
upon the sight
Then turn away
to look within
Find light of day
and stars again

Practice being
what one must be
so many things
for each to see
In a moment- fierce
In the next- docile
A heart to pierce
or an intact-fossil

Repetition and variation
The means of gaining
one's salvation
The practice becoming
what will be
whatever one ascends
to see

Of all the things
that each one does
within them all is some
and in these reasons
there is
against it all one's life is

So vast, and varied,
things expound so far
beyond mere wishes
upon each star
and deeper than any
immortal scar

This life of things
that live to be
become the sights
one longs to see
and the practice of

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