Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Ease of Hate...

It's vastly easier to hate
than to love
It's even easier to be hated
than to be loved

Hate just is
It requires nothing more
than to begin
Sometimes it comes with reasons
sometimes a lot of them
sometimes pure reason
sometimes without any reason at all
Hate doesn't even need to concentrate
to be concentrated
Hate can so easily be
its purest self

Hate can be pointed
at anything
at everything
and it can last
without fading
without relenting
and without effort

Love has expectations
It demands
It believes
It aspires
Love must live up to
its essence
or it will so easily fade
and so easily turn
to hate

To be loved
is to owe a debt
to pay it is to love back
to default on repaying it
is to become hated

It's so much easier to be hated
It's almost inevitable too
With such ease, someone's bound
to look at your face
and find it worthy of their hate
and if you see this, you too
will so easily find a hate of your own
easing into place

Once the hate begins
its so hard to dispose of it
Even after the murderers kill
and dispose of their victims
there is so much hate remaining
to keep them at such ease
when the next target appears

To be worthy of love
requires a great deal
To be worth of hate
doesn't even require existence

How easily is love exhausted
How hard is it to even try to love
How easily is hatred enabled
How hard is it to even try to cease hate

The fires burn so easily
The waters dry-up so quickly
The thirst for blood is constantly there
The quenching of thirst or flame
goes almost unnoticed at all
as tears and blood are shed
into the ever emptying bodies
of drying waters, and draining lives

But as hatred subsides
after such venerable efforts
and the slightest sentiments
of solitary serenity succeed
there is something strong enough
something potent enough
to make an effortless endeavor of love
and to bring the ease of hate

This precursor to love is enough to last
till whatever death may come
and enough to supply any life
that will so inevitably fade
For death and hate are surely
the simplest, most effortless things
that are relentless in lurking near
but the ease of hate
can bring something nearer still
and something yet easier

So let me make it easy for you
Don't slave-away trying to love anyone
Don't ease into the dying/killing nature of hate
Don't try and Don't relent
Love Thy Self
and let everything else
work itself out
or put itself at ease

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