Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Lion('s/s') Share...

The alpha-male struts proudly
watching over its pride

It harvests its prey
and takes the lion's share

The whole tribe feeds
off of the same source

As the alpha succeeds
the pride is kept alive
in many ways like this

When the alpha-male
is slain or surrendered
the tribe is endangered

The cubs are unprotected
from invading successors
and the lionesses are left
to submit to every rival

The lion's share
that creates
the lions' share
is lost to

This is the order of things
and this is the way it will be
There is never enough
and always too much

The true butchers
cry for the blood of kings
while weeping angrily
over the blood of beasts

This is how the pride
becomes lost
This is what the cubs
all too often learn too late

This is the order of things
This is the way things are
There is never enough
and always too much

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