Sunday, August 2, 2015

Time & Space > Earth & Humanity...

Time is too long
Space is too big
The world is too small
Life is too short

The age of the universe is approximately 13.8 billion years old

According to NASA the universe is flat
and therefore the size of the universe is infinite

The total surface area of Earth
is about 197 million square miles
(71% is water and 29% is land)

The earth is about 4.6 billion years old
Humans have inhabited earth for 130,000 years
Worldwide, the average life expectancy is 71 years

Time is too long
Space is too big
The world is too small
Life is too short

The average person spends 99,117 hours at work,
sleeps for 229,961 hours,
waits in lines for 6 months,
and watches 11 years of TV

The earth's urban areas occupy
approximately 3.5 million sq. kilometers
The population of earth is approx 7.125 billion

The earth has a maximum capacity of 9-10 billion people

The earth may remain habitable for another 1.75 - 3.25 billion years
Time is too long
Space is too big
The world is too small
Life is too short

What time is it now?
Where do you stand?
How big are your ambitions?
What are you doing?

It is now.
You are here.
All ambition is small.
You are alive.

Time is too long
Space is too big
The world is too small
Life is too short

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