Friday, September 25, 2015

Something About Today...

What are you about today
Do you know
Does it show
What will you do today
Will you do it
or wait for it
What is it that's in your way
It's always something
that amounts to nothing
What makes you stay or stray
Is it greater than your intent
or are you just maligned to lament
What will it be today
or is there nothing now
or is there truly no how

The days themselves don't care
they'll come and go all the same
they've nothing but themselves to claim
The nights will go on unaware
of whatever you've achieved
and all who've disbelieved

If there is something about today
that means anything to you
what else would you do
If there is anything inside the day
what more can there be
who else needs to see
Is there something about today
or is it just passing time
with nothing sublime

I'm afraid this is all I can write for now
as there is plenty left to do
So I bid a good day to you
or something in it- ciao

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